
We realize that if you are here, you may be seeking information or something more. It is the very caring human touch of the people here that makes Zion Lutheran Church a safe place. We invite you to use this site to learn about and connect with the people, groups, and events that will support you on your spiritual journey. Welcome to Zion!

We are a church that shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person – questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God's work in Christ's name for the sake of the world.

New to Worship at Zion?

We welcome you in the name of the Lord!  Whether you are seeking a new church home, or taking a sabbatical from your church home and need a safe, "no strings attached" place to worship, we invite you to do so with us.  We want you to feel at home in God's house. We consider all people to be God's beloved children, created in God's image. All are welcome regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, racial or ethnic heritage, or religious affiliation, or status of their faith. This is God's house and Christ's church and there is a place for you here!

Prayer Requests are part of our Prayers of the Congregation.  We invite you to write your prayer request in the designated location on our website. (If the prayer request is written for someone in the hospital, please only submit their name if they have given their permission and only their name, no medical information.  Thank you.)

Holy Communion is offered each Sunday.  To help protect all communicants, we are currently receiving communion in the pews following the blessing of the elements by the pastor.  We are using individual prefilled communion cups, which include both the host (wafer) and grape juice, for our communion elements.  We also offer gluten free wafers for those who need them.  The communion elements are made available to everyone when they enter the church sanctuary. Please dispose of the prefilled cups as you leave the sanctuary. If you would like to know more about Holy Communion in the ELCA, please call the church office. 

Nursery Care is available for children who do not wish to remain in the Sanctuary during the worship service. The nursery is located on the second floor of our education wing. (Please Note: The Nursery Care Program is currently on hold.)

  • Wheelchairs are available for use during services.
  • Elevators are also available for use.
  • We invite you to stay after worship and enjoy refreshments during our coffee hour in the Fireside Room opposite the Sanctuary.

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